After the domestic disasters of Saturday, I needed to redeem myself. I went for a couple of classics to help me out: chocolate and luxury fiber (as in alpaca, not oat bran or flax). The little scarflet is for our across the street neighbor who is graciously looking after doggy when we go in hospital; a similar one is on the needles for her daughter. You can't get neighbors better than this family.
And the chocolate cake? For my uber-hormonal body. The hope is the baby will come before we finish it:)
Sorry about the domestic disasters. Your scarflet and that choccie cake look wonderful, so they should make up for the difficulties. Now I feel like chocolate cake for breakfast!
How did you know I've been eating it for breakfast?
It was breakfast time here in Australia when I read your post - but if you had it for breakfast then I totally sympathise. At this point I think you're entitled to eat whatever you like, whenever you like.
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